Dunia Oil and Gas

Anda tahu Petroleum? sudah tentu tahu. Tapi BAGAIMANA dan Di MANA belum tentu terjawab oleh anda... SELAMAT DATANG KE DUNIA KAMI


Deck #4

Diaorg kije kt atas sana byk gune term (wording) yg jarang kite dgr atu gune kt
post office, kaunter pertanyaan, dpn pintu masuk Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka
maupon kt tingkat paling atas di Putrajaya...

Kalu gune pon sure membawa maksub berbeza...

Aku nk senaraikan beberapa term yg biasa digunakan di Pelantaran...

Artificial lift

Any techniques, other than natural drives, for bringing oil to surface.


Condensate and gas produced simultaneously from outset of production.

Cathodic protection

Method used to minimise rate of electrochemical corrosion of structures, for example, installations offshore, pipelines and storage tanks.

Christmas tree

Branching series of pipes, gauges and valves on top end of each production well to control flow of oil or gas.

Dry Hole

Unsuccessful well, drilled without finding commercial quantities of hydrocarbons


Geographical area under which an oil or gas reservoir lies.

Gas lift

Gas from same or nearby field is mixed with oil in tubing to lessen weight of liquid column


Supporting (concrete base or steel legs) structure for an offshore installation


Back pressure in well from invading oil / gas / water.


Device for cleaning a pipeline or separating two liquids being moved down pipeline. (Intelligent pig - fitted with sensors to check for corrosion or defects in pipelines.)


Subsurface, porous, permeable rock formation in which hydrocarbons are present.

Satellite Installation

An offshore structure that depends on another installation for materials or services.

Slug catcher

Plant installed in a gas pipeline system to catch unwanted "slugs" of liquid.


Top of an installation positioned on jacket


Re-entry into a completed field well for modification or repair. Restoring well productivity by cleaning out accumulations of sand, silt or other substances that clog production tubing.


Exploration well drilled in an unproven area. (Term wildcatter comes from West Texas, where in early 1920s drilling crews encountered many wildcats as they cleared locations for exploratory wells. Shot wildcats were hung on oil derricks, and wells became known as wildcat wells.)

Support local Oil and Gas Industries for our children's FUTURE

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Deck #3

Siapa yg layak kije dlm industri nih...?

Sume org layak... jika cukup syarat2 nyer....hehehehe...
di antaranyer ;

1) Manusia yg masih bernyawa.

2) Yg nk kije, bleh berkije, tahan dikijekn dan seorg pekerja...

3) Seorg yg bleh berdikari dan memiliki tahap self surviving
yg tinggi tahap cipan.

4) Mempunyai kekuatan mental peringkat 14 iaitu bawah
sket dari komando tp terlalu tinggi drpd pengakap.

5) Tiada masalah phobia... cth : tinggi, gelap, air, dan rindu...

6) Sentiasa fokus dan bersedia 24 jam ala2 tentera...

7 ) Mampu lawan api/letupan mcm ahli bomba.

8) Mampu bertindak di bawah apa2 tekanan.. cth ; panas,
sejuk, desakan pihak atasan, ngantuk, letih dan cuaca.

9) Mampu konsisten dlm berkije.. ( sihat tubuh badan )

10) Mampu hidup jauh dari kwn2, aweks, kete, PlayStation
dan keluarga..

11) Mempunyai pendidikan moral yg cemerlang.

12) Bersiap sedia dgn sesuatu di luar jangkaan dan worst
case scenario.

13) Pantas bertindak dan membuat keputusan
seperti larian pecut 100m..

14) Memiliki skil kije yg tinggi... tp jgn tinggi sgt,
nnt jatuh sakit...

15 ) Mempunyai safety attitude yg cermerlang.
Jenis hantam kormo absolutely disqualified!!

16) Memegang Safety Pasport yg masih valid.

17) Lulus HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escaping Training)
Tidak lemas.

18) Boleh memahami dan mengikut peraturan.

19) Team work yg kuat mcm seberkas lidi...

20) Lastly.... Tiada masalah bgn pagi.... hehehehehe...

Support local Oil and Gas Industries for our children FUTURE

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